Is this the Real Life? Is this Just Fantasy?
Femmes of Rock at Union County Pacific Arts Center – Rahway New Jersey.
The opening line to Queen’s most recognized opus was running through my mind setting up for the show Saturday afternoon.
Bohemian Rhapsody is the centerpiece of the 70 minute Femmes of Rock show and it’s always a crowd favorite. I took a few minutes to think through what it takes to actually bring this song, in the re-imagined form to an audience that is very attached to the original.
I was pondering all of this because The Femmes were playing in my ‘backyard’ so to speak. New Jersey is where I spent 9 years with Little Steven Van Zandt’s favorite band The Grip Weeds and if anyone knows classic rock, it’s Jersey Rock fans. Plus my family and several friends from New York were coming to the show as well.
No Pressure.
I also brought two of my kids to see what it’s like ‘behind the scenes’ at soundcheck. Oh they experienced ‘tour life’ alright. They scarfed all the cookies and candy bars out of the band’s catering area, including the brown M&Ms and were eager for the “Hurry up and Wait” game to come to an end so they could play my bass, mess with the violins and yell into the microphones.
So..where was I?
We do “Bohemian” in it’s entirety…with the Femmes starting out singing the opening line, moving to the string quartet configuration to do the verse, ultimately leading to the raucous Rock section. With synchronized video.