On Friday, November 3, the Femmes and I headed to Kentucky for the first time. This show was particularly special for me because we were close to my hometown of Evansville. Just shy of a 3-hour drive from southern Indiana, my mom made the drive to see her first FOR show. It had been a couple of months since I saw my mom, so it was nice to see her and be able to show her what I do on the weekends!
The venue we performed at in Richmond Kentucky was breathtaking. EKU Center of the Arts is a 2,000-seat theatre located on the Eastern Kentucky University campus. The theatre is filled with terraces, beautiful walls, and a humongous stage! As we walked the backstage halls we noticed all the acts that have or are going to perform at the theatre. The Femmes and I were following up the schedule by performing after The Beach Boys. Do you know them?
Walking into sound check and seeing all the heavy hitters before us we knew we had to bring it!
After sound check, Skip, the director of the theatre told us food was ready upstairs. Besides performing, I think our next favorite activity is eating. We walked into a room filled with amazing catered food. I still have dreams about that homemade chocolate cake. We stuffed ourselves and were ready to get into our “Batman costumes,” as Michael calls it. Ha ha!
We hit the stage and opened up with Kashmir. I like opening with that song because I know it in my deepest of sleeps and it gets me warmed up and energized for the rest of the show. Up next was our new Southern Rock Medley, which I believe was a hit, and then continued with the usual rock tunes. Our closer, Guitar Hits always comes too quickly and I know the night is about to wrap up. No matter how many times we performing Guitar hits I never get sick of it. I think Hotel California, Sweet Child, Highway Star and the Frampton talk box are my favorite solos in the whole show.
After the show, we met fans and signed autographs. I can’t begin to tell you how nice everyone from Richmond was. Some people waited 45 minutes in the line just to tell us how much they loved the show. Hearing people so pleased and eager to come back really makes me love what I do. I was also greeted by my mom at the end of the show. She absolutely loved it and can’t wait to catch us in another city.
I think I can speak for all of us when I say we hope we can make it back to Richmond. The theatre, the people who worked at the theatre, the fans, and the town were so nice and welcoming.
Until the next city,